Sunday, April 13, 2008

So close yet so far

If one more graduating senior comes to my office or calls my phone with the words “I didn’t know there was a deadline” for turning in service hours I can’t promise to be responsible for my responses any longer. If I were queen of the world I’d shout out “off with their heads” and go about my merry way.

The deadline for turning in paperwork was March 31st as posted on the FGCU website had students bothered to look. The excuses given have run the gamut of “I forgot to turn in my paperwork” to “I didn’t know we were suppose to turn in forms”. One young man offered me $300 to put his hours in without the accompanying paperwork (turned him down as my 401K is worth considerably more than a measly $300 and possible jail time for falsifying records). One young lady had her mother call me to find out if she should spend the money to come to her daughter’s gradation if her service requirement isn’t met. Geezy Peezy!

If you are graduating in a few weeks and your service hours are in then congratulations and have a good life. If you are graduating and your paperwork for service learning isn’t in by now, let’s just say you’ll be walking in the ceremony but don’t be too surprised when your degree doesn’t get certified for Spring 08. Certifying degrees is handled by the Registrar’s office. Once they start checking graduation requirements, if all of yours aren’t met you will not be a graduate of FGCU. Never fear though, you can always apply for Summer graduation.


Christine M said...

I don't understand this problem either. Everyone has the dates available to them. If we aren't responsible enough to check the academic calendar and write things down (let alone know the procedure for service learning documentation), maybe we're not ready to graduate...

Babz said...

I agree with you 100%. I had everything in the first day they needed it. The excitment has been a motivator as well.

Michelle F said...

I know I have 80 hours of community service but now I'm nervous that I didn't do something that I needed to do. Just joking.... I'M READY TO GRADUATE!