Sunday, March 9, 2008

Welcome Back!

I am glad Mike had a good time during his Spring break.

I personally did not have any break (at all). I wrote and read almost every day and still I did not get to do all I supposed to do for my six classes. In addition, I cooked, cleaned, cleaned, and cooked. Oh yes, I worked at my blog, and I changed it a little bit. Oh yes, I read a few poems, one unpublished by a great poet I know, others by William Blake, both poets are romantic and I am madly falling in love with them! Oh yes, I wrote a few blogs. Oh yes, I wrote a new short story for my advanced fiction writing class. Oh yes, I wrote the essay my application for graduate school requires. Oh yes, I read most of The Prometheus Unbound by Percy Bysshe Shelley (lovely!). Oh yes, I read Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, and some short stories by Carver (great storyteller!). Oh yes, I had the chance to see a two-minute Bush speech on the CNN – the only two minutes I watched TV throughout the entire semester, I believe! It was not worth though. It was rather ridiculous. He talked on today’s economy (in two minutes or so?) uhmm…

What else? Oh yes, I went to the Naples’s zoo. It was not a blast! My daughter did not enjoy it very much. I paid $18 for a ticket. I thought it is too much a Florida’s resident has to pay to enter the zoo. Of course, I did not argue with the teller, but…

So, now here I am, again.

Welcome back!

1 comment:

Michelle F said...

I like the Naples Zoo, Anna! I'm glad you got a lot done over break even though you don't think you did. I'm already slacking on my blog for this week! I am so close to graduating it's hard to be motivated!