Monday, March 24, 2008

The Impossibility of Live Blogging

When I first decided to live blog a show I thought it would be easy. I thought I had a leg up on everyone else in the class. I was wrong.

When I arrived at the show I somehow thought I wouldn't be bothered by people. I pictured sitting in a well preserved spot in icy solitude scribbling away laughing at my insightful observations.

What actually happened was everyone kept talking to me and vice versa. Then in the club I couldn't see a thing much less find a place to write calmly without getting bumped into.

Another problem I ran into is describing the sound of the band playing or trying to make what is happening interesting without sounding like a sports caster:
The band is taking the stage, and wouldn't you know it they have stringed instruments! A woman is lifting what appears to be a silver trumpet into the air, blowing into it, and...yes..definitely, a sound is coming from it! Not the normal trumpet sound of a foxhunt, but something else. Something new and distinctly American.

Everyone knows what an instrument sounds like. Everyone knows what a crowd looks like and what crowds do at concerts. I even scanned the crowd hoping for someone doing a particularly stupid dance that I could make fun of or write about, but nothing.

The lesson I learned is I should have Live Blogged something else.

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