Monday, March 24, 2008

Probably, this is stupid.

I was talking with some friends the other day about blogs and the words "Fear Blog" came up. Then my friends and I began discussing what would actually go into this blog of fear.

Would it be someone collecting random posts of people's fears?
Or would it be someone logging in randomly posting their own personal fears?
It could go one of two ways really...

The absolutely horrified:

12:45 am: Oh endless jugulating doom!

Or any fear at all ranging from the jejune to insane:

1:35 pm: Today I woke up in fear again. I rose, showered, and ate toast but still, he evades me. God, where are you?

I wonder if the internet has such a thing as a fear blog that has some type of moderator where random people post their fears. Could make for interesting reading.

1 comment:

Marguerita said...

I believe I would like to read a fear blog. I think it would be interesting to learn other people's fears.

A fear blog will give people a chance to look into what other people fear and know they are not alone. Also this will give people a chance to see how other people deal with their fears or get over them.

I would surely read this blog.