Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Experience of Live Blogging

Personally, I didn't like live blogging. I felt like I was an elf attempting to build toys, but in this case I was building a post. The steps to building my post consist of:
  1. Finding one plus two and three events just in case.
  2. Calling to make sure there will be wireless.
  3. Not being familiar with the place, spend time getting directions and finding the room.
  4. Once inside, make sure there is a power outlet.
  5. Start typing, but keep up with what the person is saying.
  6. Continue typing then post.
  7. And etc. until I complete the post.
For my live blog post, I went to a workshop pertaining to the Holocaust. I didn't expect it to be exciting or anything, just informational. By the end of the workshop, I felt like I really did not learn anything considering I was typing away and attempting to listen to the next thing she was saying. It also didn't help that she was rushing through the presentation.

I can't say I learned anything more about my topic because I am the Dabbling Native and I basically can talk about anything Florida. I did learn that live blogging is not for me because it does not allow me time to think about my readers and what they might like to read.

Overall, live blogging was an experience. If I do continue with my blog, I can bet I will rarely live blog unless it is needed to better engage my readers.

1 comment:

Rachel S said...

You're right Rita, it's deffinitely difficult to try and listen while writing, and this isn't simply limited to live-blogging. Sometimes in lecture classes I find that I don't get much out of the lecture if I'm trying to capture everything the lecturer is saying in writing (actually I ususally end up missing a pretty good chunk).