Tuesday, March 18, 2008

25 Days Left of Classes…and Counting

I’m not sure about any of you, but spring break sucks. You get a little taste of summer, and then it dumps you back into the middle of your semester at full throttle.

*Bam*; your right back at it.

If you really got a break at all. Our only week off all semester and it has to be filled with overly excited professors assigning papers, books, and excessive homework. Granted I’m a procrastinator. Honestly, though, they must know I’m going to leave it till the last minute. And usually the harder assignments are back loaded into the end of the course.

So, for me, it all adds up to one big practical joke. You’re supposed to get a nice long week off, and it is; if you can ignore the small nagging voice (usually sounding like your mother) that echoes in the back of your mind and runs through a list of homework you have yet to complete. Yes, you’ll have a great spring break.

My only solution: skip spring break, get out a week earlier, or start later. Either solution would work for me. But in the end spring break just messes with your head.

1 comment:

Babz said...

I've tried the don't think about it theory so that the time will go by much faster, but it doesn't work. I can't help to count down as well.