Sunday, February 17, 2008

Too Little Time

I sometimes feel that four blogs or more is tough to keep up with. This class is by far my toughest class because of all the work, readings, and presentations. However, please don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy all that this class is made up of. I just wish I had more time to devote to it. It's funny how I will sit in front of the computer and ponder as to what I'm going to blog about this time. I almost feel as though I am being forced to blog rather than it just coming naturally. I suppose with time it will get easier. I am just so impatient and want it to all come together now. Anyway, do any of you feel a little frustrated as well or am I the only one?


Anna said...

Sometimes, a writer knows well what "frustration" means. I do!

Rachel S said...

I find that I always have a ton to say, but I'm sure half of it isn't worth writing :) I understand your frustration with time 'though. I too, always feel its constraints bearing down upon me.

MagicPanda said...

A word quota would have been far more practical in this course. I understand the purpose of being able to blog succinctly, but it really hampers what you're able to write about.

Marguerita said...

I just feel a little frustrated when it comes to finding the proper topics to write about. There are so many out there, but you don’t want to write on something you feel nothing about. I would rather post quality posts than worry about the quantity.

It goes back to one of the first classes in the semester. We discussed posting and talked about the one post on top. It is the first thing a person sees when they bring up your blog and because of this reason; a person should want that post and everyone after that to represent who they are and why the topic is important. Therefore, posting quick, non thought-out posts only adds more words to your blog and not quality.

Therefore, I think it is a good thing to sit in front of the computer because for me, it lets me know that I am seriously thinking about what I am writing and how important issues are.