Sunday, February 17, 2008

Aftermath of the First Workshop

I enjoyed the first workshop! Both groups did a good job in interpreting and looking closely at their assigned blogs. Both groups were confident in talking about their peers’ blogs. That means they spent some time thinking of them. I loved Dr. Harrison’s insight because his words were more those of a friend than those of a teacher. Then, his prose is always enlightening, an enjoyment, from the first sound to the last!

In this class, I was looking for (some) humanity – feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas, everything intangible related to the human experience – for I don’t find it very often in America. (Please, don’t get me wrong, but Americans are very self-absorbed and recluse in their own world and mine is not meant to be a critique, it is only a short – and somehow shallow – analysis of the American people). But I found it among you folk! Yes I did, and I am pleased, and it is refreshing because for a few years only silence surrounded me (given the lack of communication between two different culture, mine and yours).

I am discovering that yes I can still talk, share, and I can… write. I am discovering that I am not lost anymore. Perhaps, from now on, I will put down my roots in this land. I am happy. And you can see, mine is more a confession than a simple post. It is more a stream of consciousness than a thoughtful response to the first workshop.

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