Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tickets Please

I forgot to post my review of The Living Blog. My sweetie and I attended the Sunday matinee show and I’m glad we did.

Taylor you were fabulous. I felt your character’s disdain, disgust and abject pain as you described a horrific tour of duty. I wanted to hug you and smack the crap out of the headshrinker that just wasn’t getting it. (How much satisfaction did you get tossing Brock around? Come on you can tell us.) The play was riveting even if there were parts that left me scratching my head in bemused confusion. (Who was that tiny nymph?) The way Brock’s character spoke to the female lead (I can’t remember her name) reminded me of every male boss I’d had that treated me like a blathering idiot. (Yeah I wanted to smack him really bad.) I did like how her character grew stronger and more confident until she was the one in power, the one in charge and Brock’s character cowered at her feet.

Punch and Judy’s show was a bit of sly comical genius. I for one love any and all digs at the expense of our fearless leader (“fool me can’t get fooled again” Ha!) The commentary hidden within the laughs of those skits was very timely and well done.

The play had me thinking and feeling long after I’d left the campus. I wish I could see a recording of it so I can analyze it in greater detail.

Jim Brock’s performance was a surprising delight to witness.

For those of you who didn’t get to see Living Blog you missed a good show.


Ellenod said...

I wanted to see it, but isn't it playing this weekend too? I think the flyer said 20-24th. Anyone know?

Christine M said...

There are still shows now through Sunday. 8pm Thurs-Sat., and I think a 2pm matinee Sunday.

Todd Bursztyn said...

Yes, that is correct. I'm glad someone posted about the play. Taylor is amazing! Please see it if you haven't already. Although it has little correlation to the class, the production is carefully wrought and a joy to witness in action. Good work.