Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thoughts From a Daily Poster

After reading Morgan’s latest post and hearing people express amazement at my daily posts in workshop this week, I started thinking about how I manage it. Sometimes, I don’t. I do think that my topic makes frequent posts easier, since there is always something new going on to talk about. Everyone else’s blogs really amaze me—most of you have to pull your topics almost completely from your own heads, which has to be pretty difficult.

I think my blogroll has made me more efficient. Since entertainment news was already something that interested me, I used to waste a lot of time looking for it. Now that I have a handful of websites that catch most of what I want to talk about, I spend way less time trying to find stuff to post about.

I also keep a word document on my computer of ideas for posts. I’ll just write a quick paragraph about something when an idea strikes me. These are the things I can put up on days when there is nothing new going on that I want to talk about. That’s probably been the most helpful thing for me, a stockpile of posts that aren’t time-sensitive and can be used on the days that I either have no time to find something new or there’s nothing new to find.


Babz said...

I appreciate your thoughts and ideas as to blogging.

Babz said...
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