Saturday, February 16, 2008

Comment Deficiency

Its nearing 3 a.m., and I have no idea why I am still awake. So rather than waste my time on Myspace or lay (or is it lie... I never can remember) awake listening to the frogs who have taken up residence near my pool, I decide to blog. Posting to my blog was easy, and from there I decided to get acquainted with the writings of some of my classmates. I will admit to slacking on comments. Sometimes, I have every intention of commenting on your blogs, I promise, but I worry that it will be too fluffy or bland. Anyway- tonight I successfully commented to at least half a dozen, and I can really say that I am thoroughly enjoying all the blogs that I have read.

Tonight, I noticed something that made me a little disappointed. Apparently, I'm not the only one slacking on comments. There are a few blogs that have many great posts, but very few comments.

Why aren't we commenting on our classmates' blogs? I am planning on discussing this when my group presents on Tuesday, so I thought I might give you all a heads up. Is it because we can't relate to some of the other blogs? Is it because we are afraid of what to say, or how it might be interpreted? Or are we just being lazy and not getting through the roll like we should?

Food for thought- and yes, you will be quizzed on Tuesday. Have a nice weekend.


Anna said...
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Anna said...

Nice post.

I do not think there is any particular reason why we do not comment on many blogs. Our class is heterogeneous (gosh, “heterogeneous” sounds better in English than in Italian...) and we all have a different inclination toward certain topic. We write our posts chiefly for ourselves; but sure, it is worth reading others' opinions of the topic we tackle.

Christine M said...

I was hoping more people would comment on my ipod post since my blog was up for workshopping, that's why I posed the question at the's not too late guys!

MagicPanda said...

I would feel much more comfortable commenting on the blogs that I actually have some interest in, and I don't think you can blame anyone for feeling that way with nearly two-dozen blogs to pick from.