Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sorry, had to get that out, while it may be typed here, I assure you it was audible because my roommate just came in to make sure I hadn’t been shot. This scream was elicited by my frustration at trying to balance life. Like many of you, I’m a student taking 18 credits, working thirty hours a week, and trying to fulfill my service learning requirement before graduation (God willing). In past semesters I’ve been able to do my reading during the weekdays, while pushing paper writing and exam preparations to twenty hours in the library on weekends. Yet, this blogging class doesn’t fit neatly into my previously successful plan. I find that if I try to stock pile entries, any post after number 2.5 invariably turns to crap. This inevitable crapiness forces me to try and keep up with posting throughout the week. I know that updating a blog throughout the week is ideal, but I’m yet to nail down a system that really works for me. Then, when you throw juggling the class blog with my blog into the mix, the migraine really begins to take hold. I often find that I am neglecting the class blog because for some reason I feel that my blog takes precedent (Yes, I know this is not the case). Perhaps I’ll go make another list now of all things I should be doing, but never seem to get to. Well, here’s to balancing: Ahhhhhhhhh! Screaming helps.


Morgan said...

yes, we all have trouble balancing our lives, though honestly i dont know many other students trying to complete eighteen credits on top of normal life, i give you props for trying. anyway, a balanced life seems to be what what has cause me the most frustration since i started college, got a "real" job, and atempt to keep up with some type of social life. what i've found to be the most help is taking time (time you may not nessesarily have to spare) and do something comepletely out of your box, irrational, and fun. Relax for ten minutes and take a deep breath, remember that spring break is just around the corner, and if that doesnt help, imagine you'll be graduated at the end of all this craziness!

Todd Bursztyn said...

Eighteen credits is madness; the stress never ends. Morgan is absolutely right. "Find time" to waste time, and keep the end of the road in sight, even if it's just in the back of your mind. On a side note, your opening wail was punctuated with a period. I (ironically) thought it was a sigh of relief! Good luck!