Friday, February 8, 2008

The Acceptable Title

After class yesterday I found myself attempting to title a post. It was not easy considering the presentation I listened to earlier in the day and Dr. Harrison’s examples of a good title. I began making a list with writing down everything that popped in my head regardless of how stupid or not catchy it sounded. After several minutes I finally decided on one, but left with the feeling that it was not good enough.

The same goes for this post. What will I name it after it is finished? I thought about leaving it blank, but I don’t think Dr. Harrison will approve. Then I thought about naming it “Not Titled,” but that would not have been acceptable either. So I came up with the current title. I know it is not acceptable either, but it made me laugh.

So through all the titling, I realized that titling should not be easy because it basically sums up a post. If it is too simple, the post may be overlooked and if it is too catchy, it might not live up to the post or relate to the topic. So I pledge here and now to think about titling as a way to showcase my post by being simple, but witty. I don’t know if I can do what I pledge, but I will try.

1 comment:

R.C. Price said...

I can so relate. I often have a hard time titling my blogs. I am glad to know I am not the only one.