Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tragedy Strikes: to post, or not to post

So, last night I was in class and heard that Heath Ledger had died. Beyond being completely surprised and even slightly skeptical, I wondered if I should post about the news on my blog. Would that be tacky? My blog is about entertainment news, so all of the sites I visit on a daily basis were devoting huge amounts of text to the news. I had no new information to present, no exclusive content to provide. I blogged about it anyway. What happened was sad and it was consuming my thoughts last night as I read coverage on dozens of websites, so I made the briefest commentary that I could. It was kind of cathartic. Today I’m not sure how I feel about my post, but at the moment that I hit publish, the thought of putting even a couple of nice sentences out there about something terrible felt right.

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