Thursday, January 31, 2008

Misinterpretation between generations.

Informing my father about the classes he is paying for this semester, I got onto the topic of Styles and Ways of Blogging. "Blogging?" he said. "Like a log... with a B in front of it?" Picturing an actual wooden log with a bumble bee next to it, I laughed outloud. "Lol'ed," if you will. I love him to death, and he cracks me up when it comes to technology. He actually has a notebook of the things I show him how to do on the computer. There are at least three entries in that journal of his on How To Copy and Paste. Which he still doesn't have down just yet. He is a highly educated man, with many university degrees under his belt, but this computer era baffles him. It is so interesting in a way, of how out of touch he is (and others in his generation for that matter) with the internet. Computer usage in general, really. Copy and pasting is pretty much like blinking to this generation, and seemingly minuscule tasks like this are like nothing. I can only imagine what my children (hypothetically speaking) will be teaching me.

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