Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Who Knew?

Before reading Blood’s chapter 6, I never knew there was proper etiquette to writing a blog. Some of the things she explain were common sense such as crediting your links and responding to e-mails no matter how long it takes you. Something I did learn from reading the chapter is giving fair warning to your readers if you’re linking to disturbing pictures or sites that require free registration. Another thing I also learned is to announce your schedule to your readers if you will not be posting for a about a week or starting an activity that is time consuming. For example in Dr. Harrision’s blog entry titled “Merry Christmas” seen here, he let his readers know he would be out of town and may or may not post. I think this is a helpful tool because I do not want my readers to constantly return to my blog and see nothing. Once they have come one too many times and have not found an update, I am sure they will not return to my blog. Blood also stated other tips, but her tips on blog etiquette were the most important considering I don’t want to attack anyone or ever respond to flames.

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