Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mind Your Words

While reading Chapter 4 of Rebecca Blood’s book, I came across an interesting section. The section on “Using Your Audience” was very helpful for me. I agree with her about keeping your audience in mind while you blog. This is important because while you want to give people your view and your analysis on your topic, you also want to watch what you say. We have to remember that our thoughts are going to be out there for the world to read and I am sure we will offend some people with our views, but we should try not to do that. Blood was also helpful when she pointed out that at times we can become dry with our topics. Going through other blogs and new fresh material should help us overcome that little bump in the road. We should try to find a few blogs that have a related topic that get a lot of readers daily; taking tips from them and understanding why people read their blogs will hopefully help the rookie blogger in most of us.


Rachel S said...

I totally agree with you. I was having a lot of trouble figuring out what I was going to write- outside of the ramblings of my mind. Then, I looked to other popular blogs or websites dealing with my topic to see what they were talking about. I was really pleased to find that doing a little bit of research yielded a lot of intresting fodder, much of which I hadn't previously entertained.

R.C. Price said...

I admit I am doing more research for this close than most all my others! Glad to know I am not the only one.