Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Getting off the Pot

I’m glad that I’m not alone in seeking a voice for my blog. I’m even happier that I’m not the only one having problems determining what to blog about. It baffles me why I’m having such a hard at this. Being as opinionated, cynical and willing to “keep it real” as I usually am with family, friends and coworkers this should be a breeze right? I can usually wax poetic on a variety of topics that touch a nerve or strike a chord within me. Just the other morning while driving to the medieval fair I rambled on about the merits of handmade quality items versus mass produced imported crap. Standing in checkout at Publix yesterday, a customer and I vigorously debated the entire paper or plastic question that would be asked us by the bagger. Last month I shot off an eloquent email to a laundry detergent manufacturer bemoaning the fate of my favorite product that is no longer available. Then there is the “voice” issue. Should I blog from the point of view of a woman and how things affect me as a woman? Should I approach topics from the black perspective and risk the ire of just about anyone not comfortable with that? Dare I combine the two and blog in the voice of a black woman’s perspective? My boyfriend of course thinks that last one is who and what I am so how else would I “voice”. I hate it when he makes sense. There is no dearth of choices for me to make as you can see. Now I need to either poop or get off the pot.

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