Thursday, April 3, 2008


When you have one of those days where you have dragged yourself out of your bed and think what a terrible, no-good very bad day it is already, don't climb back in the covers. Remember that New Year's Resolution you made to get in shape? Today is a good day to take step two. Start your day with a morning run.

I'll be honest. I used to be one of those people who hated exercise. And while I still don't enjoy it very much, I love the benefits. It always puts me in a better mood during the day for two reasons. Exercise boosts your immune system and releases a torrent of endorphins. Those endorphins make you happier and the energy boost from the adrenaline helps you keep going .

Of course those are just some external benefits. There are also some lifestyle changes I like. The first and most fun is the fact that I can pretty much eat whatever I want. Fattier foods just mean a couple extra miles. If you actually want to lose weight instead of just tone up you do actually have to eat healthy, unfortunately.

Perhaps my favorite benefit of exercise is the psychological one. Nothing beats the rush there is from doing something instead of just griping about the extra five pounds or cellulite. That means I do more than just survive the day. I will actually enjoy it! All that for getting up a mere hour earlier. It is so totally worth it. Give it a try. you just might be pleasantly surprised.

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