Thursday, April 17, 2008

Its so hard to say Goodbye...

We've come to the end of the road and I’m actually saddened by the thought. This was a great class with a lot of outstanding writers. I'm grateful to have shared the past 15 weeks with you all. Our fearless leader took most of us from untried blogger neophyte and molded us into lean mean blogging machines. Okay it’s early in the morning, I haven’t brewed my coffee and I’m way over the top. But nevertheless this has been one of the more entertaining and informative of classes I’ve taken. I’m glad I stuck it out to the end. It’s been a pleasure blogging with all of you and I hope many of you continue with your blogs. The blog world will be diminished if you don’t.

Congrats to all the graduates. For the rest of you, enjoy your summer, get your service learning papers in to the office early rather than later and see you around campus.

I’ll leave you with a video that illustrates how I feel at this moment.


Mike Pena said...

Wonderful song.

I feel the same way. This was no doubt the most engaging course I have taken. It left me wanting to come in every day, something that I can't say about the other classes I take.

It was awesome to meet all of you and I hope a good portion of the class continues to write on.

Anna said...

Very nice, Lisa! Thanks. I really appreciate this thoughtful post. Good luck for everything, and yes, defintly see you around!