Thursday, March 20, 2008

OT: The Eco-Grump Returns

Disclaimer: This post contains inconvenient truths that may trouble those who consider themselves "green freaks," "greenies," part of the "green regime," or those in the process of "going green." Read at your own risk.

I apologize if you all think the old Eco-Grump is beating a dead horse, but Mr. Ed is looking livelier by the minute. The green movement continues to make a mockery of itself, as more and more studies are released that reveal eco-friendly practices to be more costly, detrimental, and downright unsustainable than their obsolescent and widely-shunned predecessors. First we learned that biofuel harvesting releases more carbon than traditional fossil fuel combustion. Then we saw an aquatic ecosystem decimated by a biodiesel processing plant.

An NBC story aired tonight that revealed compact fluorescent light bulbs (those curly ones) contain small amounts of mercury and, if broken, can require a $2,000 toxic waste removal procedure in order to purify the area. The bulb manufacturers, who capitalized on the burgeoning "green" market after Gore's documentary skyrocketed, stand by the bulbs' eco-amity. They also recommend you follow an 11-step toxic waste disposal plan so as not to destroy the earth with massive mercury deposits after they burn out.

It's important to remember that the available eco-friendly products, although catering to a more liberal consumer, are the products of capitalism. The companies we venerate for supporting the movement are merely profiteers, and we are helping to make them rich while they do more harm than good. A green label with a cute picture of a smiling Earth doesn't say anything but "buy me!" Think twice before you give in, and for God's sake, don't drop that light bulb!

1 comment:

Christine M said...

It's true that the eco-friendly movement has some problems, but I hope that the efforts being put into it continue.

Just because the products aren't perfect (and some of them sound like they should simply be abandoned altogether) doesn't mean that trying is all bad.

While I don't think global warming is exactly the impending crisis Gore made it out to be, even if the only reason for being greener is making air and water quality better for our own sakes, I'm for it.