Saturday, March 1, 2008

Guys, did you know Blogger has Youtube functionality!?

As you may not remember, I tossed my heart into an unnecessary Thursday primer on embedding your Youtube videos into Blogger (which, in my defense and no offense, the professor was also unaware you could do without hassle). If you've ever used WordPress, you could understand why I was driven to madness. For all this program's power, it has never supplied an easy answer for embedding Youtube into my out-of-class blog. After deciding to answer this question for myself, the next two hours of my life looked like this:

- Downloaded two separate Youtube plugins for WordPress, both of which failed to work.
- Spent nearly twenty minutes failing to make WordPress's supplied Youtube coding function properly.
- Upgraded WordPress under the impression this problem would be solved with a version update...while accidentally overwriting the settings for my blog's database. Had they not been saved on my machine elsewhere, the thirty minutes I owned an empty blog would have turned into a day-long affair.
- Spent fifteen minutes meticulously working the "pre" tags I shilled in class into my blog.

I bring this up for the simple reason that the next time you have a problem with Blogger's functionality, you should consider yourselves thankful for what your blog can do. If you're not interested in dominating the internet with the world's greatest blog, you should feel pretty comfortable with blogger.

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