Sunday, March 16, 2008

Crazy Gasoline Price

During the last couple of weeks, I did not fuel up my car. My husband did it for me, and I almost had a heart attack when, yesterday, I saw the crazy price of the gasoline. It was $3.39 for a gallon of regular! I dread with shame, but I fueled the car. What else could I do? I spent $47.93 and I only have an inane HHR! $47.93 is almost a third of the paycheck a college student may earn per week! About five years ago, I could fuel my old Lincoln Towncar (what a funny car that was: a helicopter!) with twenty bucks! We are rolling… help… you guys VOTE!!!!


Subversive Me said...

Anna what is an HHR? I have a Hyundai Elantra and I will be gassing up today as well. At this week's gas prices it should cost me about $43 give or take a few pennies.

How come you never see "gas up 10 times get the 11th time free" at gas stations??? Or a BOGO at Shell or Hess?

Rachel S said...

You know what suprises me? People are always talking about the rising cost of gas, and yes, it is troublesome, but what about the rising cost of milk? I bought a gallon of milk at sweetbay yesterday and it was over four dollars. I think people tend to not pay as much attention to the smaller things when they don't have to buy 12 gallons at a time, but it adds up just the same.

Babz said...

I have to agree, the price of gas is terrible and it is only going to get worse. They are saying that the price of gas is going to get up to $4 a gallon. That is just insane. Well, I guess it's time for a hybrid.