Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blogging class? What the hell is that?

I’m not sure if any of you have had the same experience I have had when it comes to telling your friends that you have a blogging class, but they all react the same. They kind of crinkle their faces and look at you and ask: “What is a blogging class?” and I can’t really explain it myself other than saying “Y’know, we talk about blog etiquette and grammar issues...” then the person you are speaking to becomes almost angry in trying to figure out what it is you actually do in the class. And from a few conversations I have had with friends, I’ve realized I don’t really know what to make of this class. I mean, I enjoy it and the people in it, and I’ve come to think about blogs much differently than I did even a month ago. But when I think of other classes a definite answer comes to mind; with this class I just walk in wondering what will happen.


Subversive Me said...

Yes I've run into the very same reaction. I take the coward's way and just say "oh its a class on writing" and that usually soothes their surprising ire. My brother with his MFA in creative writing thought it sounded like a blast if thats any consolation. I don't get trig or calculus so i say things are about even :-)

Rachel S said...

I was talking to my friend Diana about this class and she said, "Crazy southern Floridians. Only you all would have a class on blogging."