Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thou Shalt Not Assume

"So, how are you doing?"

Dr. Harrison’s question to the class today about the ‘blogging experience’ had me feeling a tad sheepish.

Not that I haven’t been doing my work; I’ve been dutifully blogging away for the past couple of weeks: researching, surfing the Web, commenting away, revising, rewriting, and reading, reading, reading, ad nauseam.

I guess I never anticipated that I’d like it so much.

Is that odd? It feels strange to me, I’ll admit it. There’s this little part of my brain that keeps protesting: ‘It’s classwork! You shouldn’t like to do classwork! You’re going to turn into that nerdy kid with the pocket protector who reads their textbooks for fun!"

Sorry brain, it’s not like I expected to like it. It just happened. Somewhere between my mental freak-out on the first day of class (Four blog posts a week?!) and right now: POOF. I like blogging.

Remember that adage on assumption?

Yeah. Me too.

Serves me right, I guess. That’s the last time I’ll judge the class by its syllabus. It’s another friendly little reminder from the gods that you never really know how you’ll like something until you actually do it, because your mind, in these cases, is usually an idiot.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some textbooks to peruse.

1 comment:

Rachel S said...

I don't know about the rest of the class but I also feel this way. I think it's because our blogs give us the freedom to talk about what we want, which when held up to writing a paper on feminist theory is inevitably victorious.