Tuesday, February 19, 2008

There’s a New Disease!!

Is there such a thing called selective reading? You know something like selective hearing. I know it sounds funny, but I am serious. Some people reading this post will probably look over it because they don’t like the title. That is selective reading. They may also skip the title and look for key words in a post. That is selective reading.

If you don’t believe me, think of the last time you read every post in this blog. That is probably never because you began reading a post and half way through it you decide to stop reading it. I know it might sound crazy, but I believe selective reading is real and just has not been diagnosed. I also believe everyone has symptoms of this disease. So the next time you cruise through a blog, try to medicate your selective reading disease by reading the whole post.


Anna said...

Yes, titles are important!

Babz said...

I know what you are saying and I believe it's called skimming. I try not to do it, but if it isn't interesting I'll know it within the first couple of sentences I read or should I say skim.

kimberly s said...

I think I need to work on developing this selective reading, because I have the opposite problem. I start reading something, click on everything that it links to, read those things, follow the links leading from those writings to other writing, and so on, until I have spent something like five hours reading everything that my eyes fall on and getting no writing of my own done. It's a hard cycle for me to break. Plus, I really just like reading. Writing, not such a big fan. Which reminds me, I ought to be working on my blog right now...

Subversive Me said...

I'm guilty of this. As most humans are I'd think. Time to cold turkey stop the habit huh?