Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's just another day

There are quite a few people who share a common opinion when it comes to Valentine’s Day. The great fourteenth of February, the day Cupid fires arrows all over the place. Love is in the air, everywhere. Or so they say. To me, and these other people, it is just another day.

What is the point to declaring one day the day of love? Isn’t every day supposed to be a day of love?

The whole concept really baffles my mind. It may be because I am single. It may be because I don’t have anyone to share the day with, but even when I did, I didn’t appreciate it. My ex-girlfriend would always want to prepare things in advance for Valentine’s day. There has to be a special outing that evening, everything has to be perfect. She always expected something nice, and I always delivered, but it was more because of the pressure the day puts on me than anything.

So this Thursday, when you are around the one(s) you love, make it a point to remind them how much you care everyday, not just that one.

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody.


Michelle F said...

I agree. I have a boyfriend and I expect at least a card on valentines day. If I'm lucky I will get flowers. The same goes for Grandparents day. Aren't you supposed to tell them that you love them all the time? I do.
I blame card companies for useless holidays.

Anna said...

I too agree with you! This valentines thing is only a biz to recycle money.

MagicPanda said...
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MagicPanda said...

I believe there's a Simpsons snippet that's perfectly acceptable for this discussion:

Manager: Okay, people. We need to cook up a new holiday for the summer. Something with, eh, gifts, cards, assorted gougeables.
Woman: How about something religious? We had great penetration last spring with "Christmas II"!
Man: Ooh, I know, Spendover, like Passover but less talk, more presents!

(The businesspeople around the table break into serious discussion, until the cigar-smoking man breaks them up. He decides the holiday needs to be something warm and fuzzy, like "Love Day," only not so lame. Cut to [The Simpsons] in their TV room celebrating Love Day. Homer opens his gift on the coffee table. It's a talking toy bear with an annoyingly sweet mechanical voice, dressed in a knight's clothing.)

Bear: I'm Sir Loves-A-Lot! The bear who loves to love.
Homer: They didn't have Lord Huggington?
Marge: It's the same basic bear, Homey.
Homer: [dejected] I guess.

Subversive Me said...

I'd rather receive a plant. An aloe maybe. Would probably smack my guy if he gave me a box of chocolates. How about homemade chocolate chip cookies? And he better know enough about me to make my card on recycled paper. If he just HAS to do something for me. How about a quiet walk while we hold hands and walk the dogs?

Morgan said...

okay. i'm a complete sucker. i love valentines day! yes it may be corny, and yes i'd like to hear "i love you" more than once a year. but for me, i love giving gifts and valentives day and every other random holidays provide just another exccuss for me to think of something special for you. i bought all my sisters valentines presents weeks ago. so corny or not i'm super excited.