Saturday, February 16, 2008

Breaking the Comment Crust

I admit it. I am much more likely to post a comment on a post that has already accumulated at least one other. It somehow seems less intrusive, critical, and deferent to add a clever little quip beneath several others than to initiate a comment thread myself. I don't want to seem like I am pointedly proclaiming my involvement in the class. Thus a casual little blurb with an exclamation point seems more natural than the multiple paragraphs of commentary that often take their place as comment #1. Some of you may have noticed this trend: a huge response sits on the top and each successive comment is a little shorter, a little cuter, and a little less coherent.

What am I afraid of? Seeming overzealous? Why can't I just break the crust confidently and obliterate the blank stare of "0 comments," giving it infinitely more?


TNLogan said...

Maybe so. But I have to commend you, because your name consistently pops up on comments. As I was going through (almost) everyone's blogs this weekend, I did notice that you had commented on at least one post for every blog. That is definitely more than I can say for myself! And even if its just a short remark, at least its something. Thank you for all the feedback!

Subversive Me said...

Comments let me know someone out there read my words and felt connection enough to leave a few words in return. Cute and less coherent are welcome too.