Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Word Wallpaper is Enough

After reading “The Yellow Wallpaper” all I could think about was wallpaper. For some reason all I could think about is how it takes away from the simplicity of a wall and just clutters it. I discovered that wallpaper can drive a person crazy and rekindled some childhood memories. Once my mother decided to hang some floral crap called wallpaper in the living room. Everyday it seemed as if it didn’t like the wall because all it did was peel itself away from the wall. Each day I would get a chair and attempt to stick it back against the wall. Eventually, I ripped it off the wall and ended up being grounded for weeks. It was worth it and I would have done the same thing. Wallpaper drives me crazy and after reading “The Yellow Wallpaper” I was reintroduced to wallpaper, something that should not e sold in stores, hung in homes, or placed anywhere else for that matter.

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