Friday, January 25, 2008

The Transitional Transition

Hitherto, my blogs consisted of mundane observations about the copious readings assigned. Insofar as the productions of practical blatherings proceed, inevitable results of massive headaches disseminate to the class at large. Therein, lay possibilities for extensive and permanent trauma. Wherefore, I have elected to embark on the path to enlighten my fellow men to the transitions dissipating into the void of temporality. Wherein, possibilities for topics previously assimilated proliferate due to extreme overdose of thought processes. Heretofore, my dissertation documents numerous uses of terms once in vogue. Theretofore, comprehending and regurgitating antiquated words necessitated previously only by leisure becomes an assignment in clarity. Whereof, metamorphosing transitional techniques vanguard distinct eras.


Todd Bursztyn said...

Haha I almost thought you were entirely serious (or perhaps fancied yourself some prodigious revivalist) until I saw "numerous uses of terms once in vogue). Very clever:

You could make a song of this: Hitherto, insofar, wherefore, wherein, heretofore, theretofore!

Katie said...

Brilliant post! I laughed aloud when I read it--as if my co-workers didn't think I was nerdy enough already.

The song is a nice touch as well.