Friday, January 25, 2008

That's Mine!

The Mouse and the Donald by Yoni Brenner was probably one of the few stories on that page for our readings that I understood. Maybe it was because I’m so familiar with Donald Trump and what he does. Anyway, isn’t that story so true? How many times have people taken credit for things that they never came up with? I know I am careful about my blog and what I say because I do not want to overlap with someone else’s exact views. The fact that these blogs will be out for the world to see makes it even more important to watch that you do not copy someone else’s work. I know if I came up with someone extremely poetic and perfectly wordy and flowing and I saw it on someone else’s blog or page claiming it as their own, I would be furious. I would be even more furious if I saw that they got credit for it or if they got a "leg-up" for it as well.

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