Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Did You Just Ask Me to Dumb it Down?!

For the first thirteen years of school, most of us (if not all) were beaten senseless with proper grammar, good sentence structure, big words, and eloquent writing styles. For me, I believe this writing boot camp began in about the third grade. You see, I am a Florida girl, and of course, our schools practically bow down to the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test-- the dreaded, ferocious, and in my eyes feral FCAT. In third grade, I was first introduced to a thesaurus. "Don't say good, use admiral, congenial, or stupendous instead... Make sure those sentences are long and flowing, its more eloquent that way... Your score will be higher, and of course your writing will be superior if you follow our guidelines." It continued though middle school, and the beginning of high school. We learned to write for the FCAT, we attended more FCAT writing workshops than church meetings. Eventually, we took our last installment of the test in tenth grade, and providing we passed it, moved on to bigger and better writing. In my last two years of English classes, if I wrote an FCAT style paper, my teacher threatened to burn me at the stake. "That style is no good, it is elementary, your professors will laugh you out of college with that garbage." And so, I survived and entered FGCU as a Communications major. She was right, the Comp professors get quite agitated with small words and over usage of adverbs. But in the Public Relations classes, there is a recurrent theme. "You have to write on a 4th to 6th grade level." What?! I spent all these years toiling over improving my writing, learning big words, actually discovering what an adverb is, and now you're telling me to intentionally dumb it down?! I understand the logic behind it, yet it still fascinates me to see the irony of it all. Wait-- irony... That might be a 7th grade word...


eugenia said...

I KNOW!! I learned about the fourth to sixth grade reading level thing last semester in my Public Relations writing class! I couldn't believe it... why are we in school past middle school if this is the case? How aggravating! AND..not to mention how much of a waste of time it is preparing for and taking that stupid FCAT!

Katie said...

I read your post last night, and laughed a little to myself. I'm an English major, if we dumb it down, we fail. Miserably.
So it was karma when in my journalism class today, the professor said the exact same thing you just wrote about: "Write at a 4th to 6th grade level," she chided, "or you will lose your audience!"
I nearly died when I got my first news story back, and scrawled on the top was "dumb it down."
C'est la vie, I guess.

Todd Bursztyn said...

Indeed. Journalism almost requires sixth-grade sentence construction, but its really not in an attempt to "dumb it down" but to make things more IMMEDIATELY readable and understandable. It also helps the editors and layout guys put the hard facts of your writing into easily paginated and organized form. There is a difference between writing directly and writing stupidly.