Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Real World Is Crumbling

It is easy to watch T.V. or do something where there is no true enlightenment of what is really going on in “real world.” Is it our fears that are taking over this world and we are blind to it? I don’t understand how people get so offended by others that aren’t like them. Why are you or me any better than anybody else? Is it pride that takes over and destroys our compassion for the human race? That’s right, “human race,” we are categorized together and will always be categorized together. Wouldn’t it be nice to not worry about how people respond to our beliefs and just accept it? There are so many tragedies such as war, terrorism, and global warming. Our lives are full of choices and we can choose to sit back and be ignorant or we could work together to help prevent a lot of this devastation. The littlest things can make such a difference, saying excuse me if you bump someone, smile at someone passing by, pull over lending a hand to someone who broke down on the highway, or even just talking to someone who may need it. Every little bit counts. Please know that you, me, and that other person are different. That will never change and by choosing not to accept these differences the world will continue to shatter from our ways of life.

1 comment:

Subversive Me said...

Well technically they do have the choice to NOT get belligerently intoxicated. In any case I see your point.

I also wonder if it really is a case of people not caring about others enough to take keys away from drunken friends? I've wrestled keys from my share of drunken friends. Its not pleasant I admit, but very necessary.

All is not lost though and perhaps the tide is turning. At least amongst the younger folks