Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hating Topics

Remember when Professor Harrison warned us to choose our topics carefully? Well, I don’t know about the rest of you but I don’t think I was quite careful enough. I so dreadfully sick of my topic already. I realize that the information hasn’t been depleted, but everything that spills onto the page feels like worthless drivel. The more in-depth we get about constructing good sentences the les able I feel to do so. That compounds the problem, because now , not only do not like what I am writing about, I feel woefully inadequate to write anything. Am I the only one feeling overwhelmed? Is any one less regretting their topic choices? If so, how are you coping?


Anna said...

It is not much that you are "sick" of your topic. I think you are just tired because the semester's ending.

Good luck!

MagicPanda said...

I agree that people are going to get lax at the end of the semester. The only thing keeping me on top of the things is that I simply enjoy my subject. But there's only two more weeks. Just gotta keep moving along.

Subversive Me said...

i can relate with growing bored with one's topic. and i don't really have a topic since i never clearly defined what it was i wanted to say. most of the time all i wanted to type was nonsense words and random symbols to signify my frustration. i struggle on , with a mounting pile of unpublished drafts mocking me daily.