Friday, March 28, 2008

Poetry and Blogging

Better Than The Rest

They are heading into the gyms

dressed in expensive designer clothing that assures them

this workout will be better than the last.

Somewhere a hand is cutting-parsnips-broccoli and carrots.

A soft rock song plays in the distance.

It is a good day to be the co-owner of both a gym and a juice bar.

The above was nonsense I wrote from our exercise flashblog. It came out like that, and at the time I had no idea why, but now I realize that I wrote it that way to get a different angle or way of thinking about the the topic.

I'm not posting because I think the above "poem" is good. It's not. It's completely ridiculous. But if you are like me and find yourself approaching every flashblog the same way you might want to try something like this.

1 comment:

Michelle F said...

hmmm... a very good idea you have here. I am definitely tired of the same old approach that I have to flash blogging. Thank's for mixing it up a bit!