Wednesday, March 19, 2008

home stretch.

Well, class, we are coming to our home stretch. I can see summer, but I can't get a hold of it just yet. When I originally signed up for my group's presentation, I thought, "Wow, that's not until the end of the year." Me and Patrick present tomorrow.

This is the first summer I am actually apprehensive about. I just planned out my schedule for my senior year, and I realized that this is my last summer. The last summer of my "college years" at least. I mean, the summer after I graduate isn't really going to be summer vacation. It will be more like summer-get-your-act-together.

So what am I going to do with this last three and a half month long vacation? Possibly go home to New York, of course spend time with the fam. But what about something I won't ever forget? Out of the ordinary? Something I never thought I would do?

Bungee jumping. Sky diving. I hear the adrenaline rush is pretty spectacular. I know a kid who is on his 200-something jump. No, I didn't accidentally add two zeros to that number.

How about live blogging someone sky diving? I'm pretty sure that's the closest I will get. Even though I don't think I can get wireless in the airplane.

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