Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Writing under torture: spare me the flash blog

I do not know exactly why we spend time writing flash blogs, and why Dr. Harrison tortures us with it. For a writer, the act of writing comes through the spontaneous need to express an idea and/or thought.

On Tuesday, I imagined myself in a situation in which I was forced to write. A torture! Fortunately, we are in a country when authors can write when they want to, so why yet do we need to write flash blogs?

Creation is and should always be a free act. During my last flash-blog-trip, I tried to write, but my fingers did not want to move. I commanded them to go, fast, go, fast, but they were just paralyzed. They screamed “WE REFUSE!” and went to sleep...


Todd Bursztyn said...

NOOOOOO! Flash blogging is awesome. It's actually my favorite part of the school day. I know it can be intimidating with Harrison patrolling the aisle to make sure everyone is writing, but I think we can take those bizarre ideas that come to us under pressure (willingly or not) and turn them into something wonderful. I know that flash blogging has coaxed thoughts and emotions from my brain that would NEVER have been discovered otherwise. Even if it's hard, even if the writing is terrible, there is certainly some value in the dreaded flash blog.

kimberly s said...

I unfortunately feel the same way. When a topic is thrown at me and I am commanded to write about it NOW, I simply freeze. I experience a lack, or drain, of inspiration. Worse, I am not confident in my writing and second guess every thing that I do get down, frequently deleting whatever feeble thoughts I have managed to type the moment I feel Dr. Harrison creeping up behind me...