Thursday, February 14, 2008

I actually enjoy the flashblogs… to an extent.

Now I know that most of the class seems to dread them, based on posts I have read, but I often have trouble coming up with a topic to write about and having Dr. Harrison just blurt one out helps me to think up new ideas. Im not saying that I like reading them out loud, in fact when he asks us to read them I sink down in my chair a bit, hoping (did I use that in the right context?) to become invisible. “Please don’t pick me” is what my brain screams. It’s not that I don’t like talking in front of people, I have no problem with that, but when I have to read something I have written I get a little nervous. I would much rather just store them away for safe keeping and grading.


Each new flash blog brings out a new idea in me. They give me something to start with, and what a relief that is. I think Dr. Harrison said that he is better at endings than beginnings… well I feel the same way about my writing. It’s hard to start, but easy to finish.


Bring on the flash blogs!

1 comment:

Michelle F said...

Flashblogs do the same thing for me. They give me a topic that I probably wouldn't have come up with on my own. It is interesting though how Professor Harrison offers a topic and we hear the extremely different stories that come from them. Everyone has their own interpretation of the flashblog topic. It makes things interesting to read a flashblog about lying or about grandparents when the topic is prosthetic limibs.