Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bad Ratings

So I'm not sure how many of you heard about the new show on NBC, Quarterlife. The show started out online with 10 minute episodes. It is supposed to be about this girl who is a writer. She also likes to blog about her life and her friends, according to the LA Times.

Apparently the ratings didn't go over too well. They had a positive feedback from the show online but not so much on TV.

I saw a few previews and made up my mind that I definitely wasn't going to watch it. Who wants to watch a TV show about someone blogging?

I like to read blogs but I don't think I'd watch someone on TV writing one.

*P.S. It just got canceled.


Christine M said...

Aw, I'm kind of bummed. I was hopeful the show would be good. I added it to one of the lists on my blog this week and everything. I'll probably keep watching on Bravo. After all, regular TV isn't back for a few more weeks.

Subversive Me said...

I missed it. Might be too much like reality imitating reality for us.