Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Yellow Wallpaper, Again.

The first time I read The Yellow Wallpaper I really enjoyed it, however after the fourth (and still counting) time I have come to find that not only am I sick of it, but that I don't really understand why every English professor feels the need to continually assign it. I get the idea that our blogs are in reverse order and that reading The Yellow Wallpaper backwards would help us understand how reversing things can effect the way the reader perceives the story, however I believe that there are other stories that would convey the same type of point. Something like The Swimmer by Cheever would have the same effect when read backwards, and in my opinion, it would be more entertaining, less like beating a dead horse, and easier on us English elective junkies. I guess it really could be worse, I could have to read Kafka's Metamorphisis four times.

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