Friday, January 25, 2008

Fear and Blogging

The past couple of days have found me landlocked in front of my computer screen, with various questions/condemnations swirling around my head. “What will you write Norris? It better be first-rate, and grammatically blameless!” I have been seized by doubt, left at the train station with nothing but a copy of Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style to leaf through. I had never before realized that blogs were viewed in such a high-quality capacity until I enrolled in this class. And to read the good blogs, is equally paralyzing. I blame this “fear” on reading too much Beat literature and Hunter S. Thompson when I was younger. It may sound ridiculous, but it is all true. To the above authors, punctuation and grammar was secondary at best to emotion and creativity. Kerouac used commas the same way one uses salt. And forget about Thompson. He just raved complete gibberish, much like I am doing now. How does one sit calmly and write wonderful soaring thoughtful prose that changes the world? It cannot be done.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Now here's a raison de etre!

I hope I never sit calmly and write, and may I pepper my writing with unnecessary punctuation before I forgo emotion and creativity.

Bravo. You nailed it.